PMCR_EL0 (DBG_A720_PMU) Register

Versal Adaptive SoC Register Reference (AM012)

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PMCR_EL0 (DBG_A720_PMU) Register Description

Register NamePMCR_EL0
Relative Address0x0000000E04
Absolute Address 0x00F0D20E04 (DBG_APU0_PMU)
TypemixedMixed types. See bit-field details.
Reset Value0x00000000
DescriptionPerformance Monitors Control Register

PMCR_EL0 (DBG_A720_PMU) Register Bit-Field Summary

Field NameBitsTypeReset ValueDescription
LC 6rwNormal read/write0x0Long cycle counter enable. Determines which PMCCNTR_EL0 bit ( bit 63 or bit 31) generates an overflow recorded by PMOVSR[31].
DP 5rwNormal read/write0x0Disable cycle counter when event counting is prohibited.
X 4rwNormal read/write0x0Enable export of events in an event stream.
D 3rwNormal read/write0x0Clock divider. When 0, PMCCNTR_EL0 counts every clock cycle; when 1, PMCCNTR_EL0 counts every 64 clock cycles.
C 2woWrite-only0x0Cycle counter reset. This bit is WO and RAZ. Writing 1 resets PMCCNTR_EL0 to zero, but does not clear the PMCCNTR_EL0 overflow bit.
P 1woWrite-only0x0Event counter reset. This bit is WO and RAZ.
Writing 1 resets all evert counters (not including PMCCNTR_EL0), but does not clear any overflow bits.
E 0rwNormal read/write0x0Enable. When 1, all counters are enbled by PMCNTENSET_EL0; when 0, all counters including PMCCNTR_EL0 are disabled.