Clock Frequency Divider Register Settings

Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)

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1.6 English

The clock frequency divider receives the SDx_REF_CLK from the PMC clock controller to generate the DIV_CLK that is used for a 25 MHz or less SDx_CLK frequency. The SDx_REF_CLK reference clock frequency is controlled by the SD_EMMC CLK_CTRL [SDClkFreqDiv_L] and [SDClkFreqDiv_U] register bit fields. The register settings for each low-frequency setting is shown in the following table.

Table 1. SD/eMMC Clock Frequency Divider Register Settings
SDx_CLK Frequency (MHz) SDx_REF_CLK Frequency) CLK_CTRL Register Divider Value (decimal)
25.00 200 MHz 4 8
20.00 5 10
16.67 6 12
25.00 100 MHz 2 4
16.67 3 6
12.50 4 8
10.00 5 10
12.50 25 MHz 1 2
6.125 2 4
4.12 3 6
3.12 4 8
2.50 5 10