DLL Presets

Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)

Document ID
Release Date
1.6 English

Software can use the DLL presets to automatically switch the DLL output frequency. There are three DLL presets. They are programmed using the SDx_DLL_DIV_MAP0 register. Software programs the SD_DLL_REF_CLK output frequency to 1200 MHz.

Table 1. SD DLL Div Map Register Examples
I/O Frequency Preset DIV_MAP register Divide By
Field Value
200 MHz 0


0Ch 6
1 [DIV_1] 18h 12
2 [DIV_2] 30h 24
100 MHz 0 [DIV_0] 18h 12
1 [DIV_1] 30h 24
50 MHz 0 [DIV_0] 30h 24
30 MHz 0 [DIV_0] 50h 40