PMC and PS System Error Management - AM011

Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)

Document ID
Release Date
1.6 English

Integrity monitoring logic is in nearly all functional units. When a failure is detected, the functional unit asserts an error signal to the PSM or PMC error accumulation module (EAM). Each system error can be caused by one or more reasons.

The routing of the system errors is shown in the figure in the Error Accumulator Modules section. The EAM mask registers are used to enable and disable a system error to route the error to the desired location.

There are several types of system errors including:

  • Correctable and uncorrectable memory errors (separate error signals)
  • Mismatch in the triple module redundancy (TMR) MicroBlaze processors
  • Parity errors and timeout on the interconnect
  • XMPU and XPPU access violations
