JTAG Controller Interface Pins - AM011

Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)

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1.6 English

The JTAG controller interface signals include four mandatory pins (TDI, TDO, TMS, and TCK) as specified by the protocol. The JTAG controller interface is available on dedicated I/O (DIO) pins in the PMC.

The optional test reset (TRST) and enable pins are not provided.
Important: Be aware of optional signals when interfacing with devices from different vendors, because driving the TRST and enable optional pins could have different requirements.
Table 1. JTAG Controller Interface Pins
Pin Type Direction Description
TDI Dedicated Input Test data in (TDI): This pin is the serial input to all JTAG instruction and data registers. The state of the TAP controller and the current instruction determine the register that is fed by the TDI pin for a specific operation. TDI has an internal resistive pull-up to provide a logic High to the system if the pin is not driven. TDI is applied to the JTAG registers on the rising edge of TCK.
TDO Dedicated Output Test data out (TDO): This pin is the serial output for all JTAG instruction and data registers. The state of the TAP controller and the current instruction determine the register (instruction or data) that feeds TDO for a specific operation. TDO changes state on the falling edge of TCK and is only active during the shifting of instructions or data through the device. TDO is an active driver output. TDO has an internal resistive pull-up to provide a logic High if the pin is not active.
TMS Dedicated Input Test mode select (TMS): This pin determines the sequence of states through the TAP controller, which change on the rising edge of TCK. TMS has an internal resistive pull-up to provide a logic High if the pin is not driven.
TCK Dedicated Input Test clock (TCK): This pin is the JTAG test clock. TCK sequences the TAP controller and the JTAG registers. TCK has an internal resistive pull-up to provide a logic High if the pin is not driven.

Test Access Port (TAP) Controller

The following figure shows the JTAG standard 16-state finite state machine. The four TAP pins control how data is scanned into the various registers. The state of the TMS pin at the rising edge of TCK determines the sequence of state transitions. There are two main sequences, one for shifting data into the data register and the other for shifting an instruction into the instruction register. A transition between the states only occurs on the rising edge of TCK, and each state has a different name. The two vertical columns with seven states each represent the instruction path and the datapath. The data registers operate in the states whose names end with DR, and the instruction register operates in the states whose names end in IR. The states are otherwise identical.

Figure 1. Example JTAG TAP Controller and TAP Registers