The programming steps for the basic window mode are provided in this section.
- If required, set the [WDP] bit to enable protection against accidental clearing of the [WEN] bit. The [WDP] bit does not affect being able to set the [WEN] bit to = 1.
- Configure the two window count registers First_Wind and First_Wind according to the requirements of the application.
- Set the interrupt position in the second window according to the requirements using the Funct_Ctrl [SBC] and [BSS] bit fields. Refer to the top of the Windowed Waveform Diagram) or the explanation in the register manual.
- If required, enable the fail counter.
- If required, enable the Basic Program Sequence Monitor, PSM.
- If required, enable the second sequence timer (SST).
- If the PSM is enabled, write to the Task_Sig0 register, TSR.
- Enable the watchdog timer by setting the
[WEN] bit = 1.
This auto-clears the
bit to make the address space read-only and generates the first restart of the
watchdog timer.
After completing the first window, the watchdog enters in the second window period and the timer sets the Enable_and_Status [WSW] bit. Software might generate the next restart (or it might disable the watchdog timer) any time after the [WSW] bit is set.
The Task_Sig1 , TSR1, register can be written any time irrespective of whether the [WSW] bit is set or not (enable [MWC], write Task_Sig1 , and disable [MWC]). The TSR0 and TSR1 register comparison is done at the restart or disable event if the PSM is enabled.
- Wait for the watchdog system interrupt.
- Enable the [MWC] and restart or disable the watchdog according to the
- clear [WINT], [WSW], or
- clear [WINT], [WSW], [WDP], [WEN]
- If software attempts to restart or disable the watchdog in the first window, it is considered a bad event. The disable request is not honored.
- If software does not restart or disable the watchdog before the second window ends, it is considered a bad event.
- If a PSM is enabled and a TSR mismatch was detected at the restart or disable time in the second window, it is considered a bad event. If the PSM is disabled, the TSR values are not compared.
- If the fail counter is disabled, a single bad event leads to the subsystem reset. The [LBE] bit field stores the last bad event. The [LBE] bit field can be cleared by asserting a reset to the watchdog timer.
- If the SST is enabled, the assertion of the subsystem reset is delayed.
- If software restarts/disables the watchdog in the second window, it is considered a good event.
- If the fail counter is enabled, a good event decrements the fail counter by 1 unless it is 0, and a bad event increments the fail counter by 1 unless it is 7.
- If the fail counter is 7 and a bad event occurs, this leads to the subsystem reset. The assertion is delayed if the SST is enabled with the [SSTE] bit.
- The fail counter status can be read by reading the Enable_and_Status [FCV] bit field.
- If the watchdog is restarted, it starts with a new cycle with the first window.
Note: After generating the system
reset, the watchdog timer stops running and the [WEN] bit auto-clears.