PMC DMA Registers - AM011

Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)

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Release Date
1.6 English

The following table lists the PMC DMA registers.

Table 1. PMC DMA Registers
Name Offset Type Description
SRC_ADDR_L 0x000 Mixed Source mem address (LSBs) for DMA memory → stream data transfer
SRC_SIZE 0x004 Mixed DMA transfer payload for DMA memory → stream data transfer
SRC_STATUS 0x008 Mixed General SRC DMA Status
SRC_CTRL1 0x00C Mixed General SRC DMA Control Register 1
SRC_CRC0 0x010 RW SRC DMA Pseudo CRC Bits[31:0]
SRC_ISR 0x014 Mixed SRC DMA Interrupt Status
SRC_IER 0x018 Mixed SRC DMA Interrupt Enable
SRC_IDR 0x01C Mixed SRC DMA Interrupt Disable
SRC_IMR 0x020 Mixed SRC DMA Interrupt Mask
SRC_CTRL2 0x024 Mixed General SRC DMA Control Register 2
SRC_ADDR_U 0x028 Mixed Source mem address (MSBs) for DMA memory → stream data transfer
SRC_CRC1 0x02C RW SRC DMA Pseudo CRC Bits[63:32]
SRC_CRC2 0x030 RW SRC DMA Pseudo CRC Bits[95:64]
SRC_CRC3 0x034 RW SRC DMA Pseudo CRC Bits[127:96]
DST_ADDR_L 0x800 Mixed Destination mem address (LSBs) for DMA stream → memory data transfer
DST_SIZE 0x804 Mixed DMA transfer payload for DMA stream → memory data transfer
DST_STATUS 0x808 Mixed General DST DMA Status
DST_CTRL1 0x80C RW 0x803FFA00 General DST DMA Control
DST_ISR 0x814 Mixed DST DMA Interrupt Status Register
DST_LEN 0x818 Mixed DST DMA Interrupt Enable
DST_IDR 0x81C Mixed DST DMA Interrupt Disable
DST_IMR 0x820 Mixed DST DMA Interrupt Mask
DST_CTRL2 0x824 Mixed General DST DMA Control Register 2
DST_ADDR_U 0x828 Mixed Destination mem address (MSBs) for DMA stream → memory data transfer
SRC_QoS 0x830 Mixed SRC channel QOS configuration
DST_QoS 0x834 Mixed DST channel QOS configuration
PMCDMA_SSS_CFG 0xFF4 RW Configuration register output for the SS interface
SAFETY_CHK 0xFF8 RW Safety check register