The following describes scenarios resulting in DMA errors. •Errors occurred while reading the SGL from the SRC or DST QUEUE or while reading the DMA data. °Errors detected and reported by PCIe read. -Unsupported request or completer abort status returned for read. -ECC/parity or ECRC error detected by the integrated block for PCIe. -Poisoned TLP (EP bit set in a received TLP that contained a data payload). °Errors detected and reported by AXI read. -AXI error response returned for a read (read response is not OKAY). -No response received for read (completion timeout). -Internal RAM ECC error while processing SGL or DMA data. •Errors occurred while writing DMA completion status to the status queue or while writing DMA data. °Error response returned for STA(S/D) QUEUE or DMA write. -PCIe does not provide a response for memory writes. -AXI error response returned for a write (write response is not OKAY). °Internal ECC error while processing STA(S/D) QUEUE or DMA write. •Out of range LIMIT pointer detected while DMA is enabled. °SRC_LIMIT >= SRC_SIZE. °DST_LIMIT >= DST_SIZE. °STA_LIMIT >= STA_SIZE. •Out of range NEXT pointer detected while DMA is enabled. °SRC_NEXT >= SRC_SIZE. °DST_NEXT >= DST_SIZE. °STA_NEXT >= STA_SIZE. •Invalid queue SIZE detected while DMA is enabled. °SRC_SIZE < 2. °DST_SIZE < 2. °STA_SIZE < 2.