The generic FIFO contains information related to the SPI requests. The FIFO is 32 bits deep and 20 bits wide. Details of each field are described in Table: Generic FIFO Fields and Table: Generic FIFO Details. Because the generic FIFO is 32 bits deep, it can hold more than one SPI/flash request. The number of SPI commands that can be issued to the SPI device per request depends on the sequence of SPI device commands needed for that request. The generic FIFO is accessed by the APB interface. Each entry in the generic FIFO requires one APB write request.
Reserved |
Poll |
Stripe |
Receive |
Transmit |
Databus |
cs_upper |
cs_lower |
SPI Mode |
Exponent |
data_xfer |
immediate _data |
31:20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15:14 |
13 |
12 |
11:10 |
9 |
8 |
7:0 |
Field |
Bits |
Description |
Reserved |
31:20 |
Reserved. |
Poll |
19 |
This bit is applicable when receive is enabled. 1'b0: Once. 1'b1: Poll. When set to 1'b1, the generic Quad-SPI controller keeps reading the data until it matches the received data with the POLL_DATA field data from the poll register, depending on the configured masking in poll register. |
Stripe |
18 |
1'b0: Do not Stripe. Mirror the same data on the lower and upper data buses. 1'b1: Stripe data across the lower and upper data buses. Only byte stripe is supported. The lower data bus uses even bytes, i.e., byte 0, 2, 4 …, of a data word. The upper data bus uses odd bytes, i.e., byte 1, 3, 5, …, of a data word. Stripe is applicable when the data bus select is 2'b11, and both upper and lower data buses are active. Stripe = 1'b0 is not applicable when receive = 1'b1. |
Receive |
17 |
1'b0: Discard RX data. 1'b1: Capture/receive data. When [receive, transmit, data_xfer] = [0,0,1], it represents a dummy cycle. |
Transmit |
16 |
1'b0: Write dummies/Zero pump 1'b1: Transmit When [receive, transmit, data_xfer] = [0,0,1], it represents a dummy cycle. |
Data bus select |
15:14 |
2'b00: No bus. 2'b01: Lower bus select. 2'b10: Upper bus select. 2'b11: Both lower and upper buses. The number of data bus bits depends on the SPI mode. SPI mode: the data bus is 1 bit wide. Dual-SPI mode: the data bus is 2 bits wide. Quad-SPI mode: the data bus is 4 bits wide. The lower clock (QSPI0_SCLK sclk_out) is driven when the lower bus is selected. The upper clock (QSPI1_SCLK) is driven when the upper bus is selected. |
cs_upper |
13(1) |
1'b0: Do not drive the upper chip select. 1'b1: Drive the upper chip select. |
cs_lower |
12(1) |
1'b0: Do not drive the lower chip select. 1'b1: Drive the lower chip select. |
SPI mode |
11:10 |
2'b00: Reserved. 2'b01: SPI. 2'b10: Dual-SPI. 2'b11: Quad-SPI. |
Exponent |
9 |
0: Absolute. 1: Exponent. When data_xfer = 1, this field is used. When data_xfer = 1, and because the immediate_data is 8 bits, the maximum data to be transmitted/received is 28 = 256 bits. To transmit/receive more than 256 bits of data, use the exponent bit. For example, when reading 1G bytes from the SPI flash, the generic FIFO fields uses the following contents. data_xfer = 1'b1 The number of data bytes = 230 = 1G bytes. |
Notes: 1.When both bits {13:12} are set to 1, it indicates the configuration for the dual parallel mode. Both of these bits are set by the driver. |
data_xfer |
8 |
1'b0: The immediate_data is used as immediate. 1'b1: The immediate_data is used as the number of data bytes to be sent/received. |
immediate_data |
7:0 |
When data_xfer = 1'b0, and transmit is a non zero, these bits are sent on the SPI interface. When data_xfer = 1'b1, and transmit is non zero, this field specifies the number of data bytes sent from the TXFIFO. When data_xfer = 1'b1, and receive is non zero, this field specifies the number of data bytes to read into the RXFIFO. The maximum number of data bytes allowed are 228 in DMA and PIO mode. When data_xfer = 1'b1, RX = 1'b0 and TX = 1'b0, this field specifies the number of dummy SCLK cycles sent on the SPI interface. When data_xfer = 1'b0, RX = 1'b0, data bus select is non zero, TX = 1'b0, and cs_lower/cs_upper is non zero, this field specifies the CS setup time using the number of reference clock cycles. When data_xfer = 1'b0, RX = 1'b0, data bus select is non zero, TX = 1'b0, and cs_lower/cs_upper is zero, this field specifies the CS hold time using the number of reference clock cycles. |