Alarm Signal Routing

Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085)

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2.4 English

All alarm signals from the PS SYSMON and PL SYSMON are routed to the interrupt mechanism within the PS. By default, both monitors generate alarm signals, however, individual alarm signals can be disabled by setting bits in the CONFIG_REG1 and CONFIG_REG3 registers of each monitor. The alarm signals from the PL SYSMON unit are always routed to the PS (independent of instantiating the SYSMONE4 primitive). However, the PL SYSMON alarm signals do pass through the PCAP isolation wall so they are subject to isolation (alarms appear inactive to the PS when isolation is active).

The alarm interrupts from the PS and PL SYSMON units can be observed in the ISR_{0:1} registers of the AMS. Each alarm interrupt can be individually masked by the IMR_{0:1} registers. Unmasked alarm signals assert the IRQ 88 interrupt to the RPU, APU, and proxy GICs. The routing of the SYSMON alarms to the PMU, CSU, and PL is shown in This Figure. The interrupt control and status registers are described in the Sensor Alarm Types and Interrupts section.

Figure 9-4:      Alarm Signal Routing

X-Ref Target - Figure 9-4


The PMU processor receives ten alarm signals from the PS SYSMON unit that are controlled by the CONFIG_REG disables.



Eight power supplies out of range (see Table: PS SYSMON Sensor Channels for a list). ERROR_STATUS_1 [16:23].

Two power supplies out of range (see Table: Measurement Registers in AMS Register Set for a list).

The PL SYSMON unit can be configured to initiate an automatic shutdown procedure. For details, see the “Thermal Management” section in the UltraScale Architecture System Monitor User Guide (UG580) [Ref 6].

GIC IRQ 88 is an OR of the 25 alarm signals from the PS and PL SYSMON units after the CONFIG_REG alarm disables and the interrupt masking function controlled by the AMS.ISR_{0, 1} registers.