Private CPU Registers - UG1085

Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085)

Document ID
Release Date
2.4 English

There are separate private CPU registers for the RPUs and APUs to program the interrupt controllers. The addresses are shown in Table: CPU Private Registers. The APU_GIC is located on the AXI interconnect and can be made exclusively accessible to the APU by using the FPD_XMPU protection unit.

Table 10-5:      CPU Private Registers

Register Base Address


0xF900_0000 to 0xF900_1FFF

GIC distributor.

0xF900_2000 to 0xF900_2FFF

GICC interface.

0xFD6E_0000 to 0xFD6E_FFFF

CCI_GPV (CCI400, parameters)

0xFD70_0000 to 0xFD7F_FFFF

FPD_GPV (parameters)

0xFE00_0000 to 0xFE0F_FFFF

IOU_GPV (parameters)

0xFE10_0000 to 0xFE1F_FFFF

LPD_GPV (parameters

0xFD80_0000 to 0xFDFF_FFFF

SMMU_GPV (SMMU500, parameters)

Note:   The generic CPU timer, L2 cache, and SCU (etc.) in the APU can only be accessed through co-processor instructions, they are not memory mapped.