100G Ethernet - UG1085

Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085)

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2.4 English

The 100G Ethernet controllers are compliant to the IEEE Std 802.3ba, and provide low latency 100 Gb/s Ethernet ports with a wide range of user customized solutions and statistics gathering. With support for 10 x 10.3125 Gb/s (CAUI) and 4 x 25.78125 Gb/s (CAUI-4) configurations, the integrated 100G Ethernet includes both the 100G MAC and PCS logic with support for IEEE Std 1588v2 1-step and 2-step hardware time stamping.

The 100G Ethernet controllers contain a Reed-Solomon forward error correction (RS-FEC) block, compliant to IEEE Std 802.3bj, that can be used with the Ethernet block or stand alone in user applications. These families also support OTN mapping mode where the PCS can be operated without using the MAC.