Table: System Features Assigned by Software lists general purpose features that are assigned by software for specific functions. Table 1-4: System Features Assigned by Software Feature Function PMU global persistent general storage registers {4:7} Four registers are used by the FSBL and other AMD software products: PMU_GLOBAL.PERS_GLOB_GEN_STORAGE{4:7}. PMU global general storage registers {4:6} Three registers are used by the FSBL and other AMD software products: PMU_GLOBAL.GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE{4:6}. PMU general purpose MIO pins Table: PMU General Purpose MIO Pins provides PMU general purpose MIO pins. Pins are used to control external power supplies. GPIO signals to reset PL instantiated logic Four GPIO pins are used by the Vivado process or the configuration wizard (PCW) provides resets through the EMIO to PL fabric. PMU sleep mode request The PMU has four IPI interrupts. PMU_0 interrupt is assigned by the PMU firmware to transition the PMU to sleep mode.