1.Take the PCAP out of reset. Write 1 to the csu.pcap_reset[reset] bit.
2.Configure the PCAP in write mode.
a.Select the PCAP mode. Write 1 to the csu.pcap_ctrl[pcap_pr] bit.
b.Select write mode. Write 0 to the csu.pcap_rdwr[pcap_rdwr_b] bit.
3.Power up the PL, if needed. Read the csu.pcap_status [pl_gpwrdwn_b]. If Off, then trigger a request to the PMU to power up the PL using the pmu_global.req_pwrup_trig [PL] bit.
4.Reset the PL.
a.Assert the PL reset. Write 0 to the csu.pcap_prog [pcfg_prog_b] bit.
b.Wait for at least 250 ns.
c.Deassert the PL reset. Write 1 to the csu.pcap_prog [pcfg_prog_b] bit.