Special Considerations for Tandem or Dynamic Function eXchange Designs - 4.4 English - PG156

UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG156)

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4.4 English

Tandem and Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) designs might require additional considerations as these flows partition the physical resources into separate regions. These physical partitions should be considered when adding debug IPs to a design, such as VIO, ILA, MDM, and MIG-IP. A Debug Bridge IP configured for From PCIe-ext to BSCAN or From AXI to BSCAN should only be placed into the static partition of the design. When debug IPs are used inside of a DFX or Tandem Field Updates region, an additional debug BSCAN interface should be added to the DFX region module definition and left unconnected in the DFX region module instantiation.

To add the BSCAN interface to the DFX module definition the appropriate ports and port attributes should be added to the DFX module definition. The sample Verilog provided below can be used as a template for adding the BSCAN interface to the port declaration.


// BSCAN interface definition and attributes.

// This interface should be added to the DFX module definition

// and left unconnected in the DFX module instantiation.

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN drck" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_drck,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN shift" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_shift,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN tdi" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_tdi,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN update" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_update,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN sel" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_sel,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN tdo" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

output S_BSCAN_tdo,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN tms" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_tms,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN tck" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_tck,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN runtest" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_runtest,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN reset" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_reset,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN capture" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_capture,

(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:bscan:1.0 S_BSCAN bscanid_en" *)

(* DEBUG="true" *)

input S_BSCAN_bscanid_en,


When link_design is run, the exposed ports are connected to the static portion of the debug network through tool automation. The ILAs are also connected to the debug network as required by the design. There might also be an additional dbg_hub cell that is added at the top level of the design. For Tandem with Field Updates designs, the dbg_hub and tool inserted clock buffer(s) must be added to the appropriate design partition. The following is an example of the Tcl commands that can be run after opt_design to associate the dbg_hub primitives with the appropriate design partitions.

# Add the inserted dbg_hub cell to the appropriate design partition.

set_property HD.TANDEM_IP_PBLOCK Stage1_Main [get_cells dbg_hub]

# Add the clock buffer to the appropriate design partition.

set_property HD.TANDEM_IP_PBLOCK Stage1_Config_IO [get_cells dma_pcie_0_support_i/pcie_ext_cap_i/vsec_xvc_inst/vsec_xvc_dbg_bridge_inst/inst/bsip/ins