Configurator ROM - 4.4 English - PG156

UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG156)

Document ID
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4.4 English

The Configurator ROM stores the necessary configuration transactions to configure a PCI Express Endpoint. This ROM interfaces with the Configurator Block to send these transactions over the PCI Express link.

The example ROM file included with this design shows the operations needed to configure a UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCIe and PIO Example Design.

The Configurator ROM can be customized for other Endpoints and PCI Express system topologies. The unique set of configuration transactions required depends on the Endpoint that interacts with the Root Port. This information can be obtained from the documentation provided with the Endpoint.

The ROM file follows the format specified in the Verilog specification (IEEE 1364-2001) section 17.2.8, which describes using the $readmemb function to pre-load data into a RAM or ROM. Verilog-style comments are allowed.

The file is read by the simulator or synthesis tool and each memory value encountered is used as a single location in memory. Digits can be separated by an underscore character (_) for clarity without constituting a new location.

Each configuration transaction specified uses two adjacent memory locations:

  • The first location specifies the header fields. Header fields are on even addresses.
  • The second location specifies the 32-bit data payload. (For CfgRd TLPs and Messages without data, the data location is unused but still present.) Data payloads are on odd addresses.

For headers, Messages and CfgRd/CfgWr TLPs use different fields. For all TLPs, two bits specify the TLP type. For Messages, Message Routing and Message Code are specified. For CfgRd/CfgWr TLPs, Function Number, Register Number, and first DWORD Byte-Enable are specified. The specific bit layout is shown in the example ROM file.