Creating a Migration Plan for PCI Express - 4.4 English

UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG156)

Document ID
Release Date
4.4 English

Keeping placement rules in mind, you can make a PCI Express package migration plan as follows:

  1. Choose a part and package to which you want to migrate, such as parts for the D1517 package, as in the example in the followi ng figure.
  2. Choose the PCI Express link width that is desired.
  3. Evaluate how the GTH location for that PCI Express location migrates.
  4. Look for possible issues crossing SLR boundaries or for transceivers that are not bonded out.

    For instance, choosing PCIe location Y2 in the XCVU095 with the GTH location of 229 that is eight lanes wide cannot migrate to the XCVU125. This is because the SLR boundary crossing rule would be violated. See the following figure.

    For this example, the GT quad one clock region above the integrated block for PCIe at Y2 can be selected for an X8 design and can migrate across these two parts.

  5. It might be necessary to recompile the IP to generate new location constraints in some cases. To accomplish this in the Vivado IDE, update the PCI Express location in the IP settings, and then generate the core.
Figure 1. Migration Example