The Configurator Block generates CfgRd and CfgWr TLPs and presents them to the AXI4-Stream interface of the integrated block in Root Port configuration. The TLPs that the Configurator Block generates are determined by the contents of the Configurator ROM.
The generated configuration traffic is predetermined by you to address your particular system requirements. The configuration traffic is encoded in a memory-initialization file (the Configurator ROM) which is synthesized as part of the Configurator. The Configurator Block and the attached Configurator ROM is intended to be usable as a part of a real-world embedded design.
The Configurator Block steps through the Configuration ROM file and sends the TLPs specified therein. Supported TLP types are Message, Message w/Data, Configuration Write (Type 0), and Configuration Read (Type 0). For the Configuration packets, the Configurator Block waits for a Completion to be returned before transmitting the next TLP. If the Completion TLP fields do not match the expected values, PCI Express configuration fails. However, the Data field of Completion TLPs is ignored and not checked.
The Configurator Block has these parameters, which you can modify:
- Clock-to-out delay modeled by all registers in design.
- Controls insertion of an extra pipeline stage on the Receive AXI4-Stream interface for timing.
- File name containing configuration steps to perform.
- Number of lines in ROM_FILE containing data (equals number of TLPs to send/2).
- Value for the Requester ID field in outgoing TLPs.
When the Configurator Block design is used, all TLP traffic
must pass through the Configurator Block. The user design is responsible for asserting the
input (for one clock cycle) to initiate the configuration
process when user_lnk_up
has been asserted by the core. Following
, the Configurator Block performs whatever configuration steps
have been specified in the Configuration ROM. During configuration, the Configurator Block
controls the core AXI4-Stream interface. Following configuration, all AXI4-Stream traffic is routed to/from the user application, which in the case of
this example design is the PIO Master. The end of configuration is signaled by the assertion
of finished_config
. If configuration is unsuccessful for some reason,
is also asserted.
If used in a system that supports PCIe v2.2 5.0 Gb/s links, the Configurator Block begins its process by attempting to up-train the link from 2.5 Gb/s to 5.0 Gb/s. This feature is enabled depending on the LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED parameter on the Configurator Wrapper.
The Configurator does not support the user throttling
received data on the Receive AXI4-Stream interface. Because of this, the Root
Port inputs which control throttling are not included on the Configurator Wrapper. These
signals are m_axis_rx_tready
and rx_np_ok
. This is a
limitation of the Configurator example design and not of the core in Root Port configuration.
This means that the user design interfacing with the Configurator example design must be able
to accept received data at line rate.