Programming the Device - 4.4 English - PG156

UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG156)

Document ID
Release Date
4.4 English

There are no differences for programming Tandem bitstreams versus standard bitstreams into a PROM. You can program a Tandem bitstream using all standard flash memory programming methods, such as JTAG, Slave and Master SelectMAP, SPI, and BPI. Regardless of the programming method used, the DONE pin is asserted after the first stage is loaded and operation begins.

Note: Do not set the mode pins to 101 for JTAG Only mode. This restricts this ICAP capabilities, thus preventing proper stage 2 loading.

To prepare for SPI or BPI flash memory programming, the appropriate settings must be enabled prior to bitstream generation. This is done by adding the specific flash memory device settings in the design XDC file, as shown here. Examples can be seen in the constraints generated with the PCI Express example design. Copy the existing (commented) options to meet your board and flash memory programming requirements.

Here are examples for Tandem PROM:

# BPI Flash Programming

set_property CONFIG_MODE BPI16 [current_design]

set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.BPI_SYNC_MODE Type1 [current_design]

set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.CONFIGRATE 33 [current_design]

set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 1.8 [current_design]

set_property CFGBVS GND [current_design]

Both internally generated CCLK and externally provided EMCCLK are supported for SPI and BPI programming. EMCCLK can be used to provide faster configuration rates due to tighter tolerances on the configuration clock. See the UltraScale Architecture Configuration User Guide (UG570) for details on the use of EMCCLK with the Design Suite.

For more information on configuration in the Vivado Design Suite, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).