Enable JTAG Debugger - 4.4 English - PG156

UltraScale Devices Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG156)

Document ID
Release Date
4.4 English

This feature provides ease of debug for the following:

LTSSM state transitions
This shows all the LTSSM state transitions that have been made starting from link up.
PHY Reset FSM transitions
This shows the PHY reset FSM (internal state machine that is used by the PCIe solution IP).
Receiver Detect
This shows all the lanes that have completed Receiver Detect successfully.

Steps are the following:

  1. Open a new Vivado and connect to the board.
  2. You should see hw_axi_1.
  3. Type source test_rd.tcl in the Vivado Tcl Console.
  4. For post-processing, double-click the following:
    • draw_ltssm.tcl (Windows) or wish draw_ltssm.tcl
    • draw_reset.tcl (Windows) or wish draw_reset.tcl
    • draw_rxdet.tcl (Windows) or wish draw_rxdet.tcl

This displays the pictorial representation of the LTSSM state transitions.