Typical Application - 16.2 English - PG047

1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG047)

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16.2 English
The following figure shows a typical application for the core with the ability to dynamically switch between 1000BASE-X and SGMII standards.

The FPGA is shown connected to an external, off-the-shelf PHY with the ability to perform both BASE-X and BASE-T standards.

  • The core must operate in 1000BASE-X mode to use the optical fiber.
  • The core must operate in SGMII mode to provide BASE-T functionality and use the twisted copper pair.

The GMII of the 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII core is shown connected to an embedded Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC), for example, the AMD Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC core.

Figure 1. Typical Application for Dynamic Switching