The following tables describe the signals for supporting 1588. These interfaces are available only when this core is used in conjunction with the Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC core (TEMAC).
See the 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG168) for more details on the DRP signals.
Signal | Direction | Description |
drp_dclk | In | DRP interface clock, tied to gtrefclk_bufg for 7 series/Zynq devices and independent_clock_bufg for UltraScale+/UltraScale devices. |
drp_req 1 | Out | DRP request |
drp_gnt 1 | In | DRP grant |
drp_den 1 | Out | DRP enable signal |
drp_dwe 1 | Out | DRP write enable |
drp_drdy 1 | In | Indicates DRP operation is complete |
drp_daddr[8:0] 1 | Out | DRP address |
drp_di[15:0] 1 | Out | DRP data from transceiver |
drp_do[15:0] 1 | In | DRP data to transceiver |
Signal | Direction | Description |
systemtimer_s_field[47:0] | In | 1588 System timer seconds value |
systemtimer_ns_field[31:0] | In | 1588 System timer nanoseconds value |
rxphy_s_field[47:0] | Out | 1588 timer PHY correction seconds value |
rxphy_ns_field[31:0] | Out | 1588 timer PHY correction nanoseconds value |
correction_timer[63:0] | In | Correction timer |
rxphy_correction_timer[63:0] | Out | Modified correction timer |