Power Management - 16.2 English - PG047

1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG047)

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16.2 English
No power management considerations are recommended for the core when using it with the TBI. When using the core with a Zynq 7000, Virtex 7, Kintex 7 or Artix 7 device, the transceiver can be placed in a low-power state in either of the following ways:
  • Writing to the PCS Configuration Register 0 (if using the core with the optional management interface). The low-power state can only be removed by issuing the core with a reset. This reset can be achieved either by writing to the software reset bit in the PCS Configuration Register 0, or by driving the core reset port.
  • Asserting the Power Down bit in the configuration_vector (if using the core without the optional management interface). The low-power state can only be removed by issuing the core with a reset by driving the reset port of the core.