Both these modules have state machines and work in conjunction to find the right sampling point for receive data coming from ISERDES. These modules work on 12-bit wide data at 104 MHz frequency. This data is the 6-bit parallel data (at 208 MHz) sampled at 104 MHz. Eye monitor monitors the N-node IDELAY to determine the margin of current P-node (data) IDELAY tap value.
The following file describes the eye monitor functionality:
<project_dir>/<project_name>/<project_name>.srcs/sources1/ip/<component_name>/ synth/lvds_transceiver/<component_name>_sgmii_eye_monitor.v[hd]
PHY calibration module uses the eye monitor block to determine the optimal RX-data IDELAY sampling point. The following file describes the PHY calibration functionality:
<project_dir>/<project_name>/<project_name>.srcs/sources1/ip/ <component_name>/synth/lvds_transceiver/<component_name>_sgmii_phy_calibration.v[hd]