The following tables show the optional ports that, if enabled, allow the monitoring
and control of some transceiver ports. When not selected, these ports are tied to their
default values.
Important: The input ports in the
Transceiver Control And Status Interface must be driven in accordance with the
appropriate GT user guide. Using the input signals listed in the following
tables might result in unpredictable behavior of the IP core.
Important: The Dynamic Reconfiguration Port is only
available if this option is selected. Driving the DRP interface should be done only
after assertion of the
signal which indicates
the completion of RX reset sequence.Signal | Direction | Clock Domain | Description |
gt0_drp_addr_in[8:0] | Input | gt0_drpclk_in | DRP address bus |
gt0_drpi_in[15:0] | Input | gt0_drpclk_in | Data bus for writing configuration data to the transceiver. |
gt0_drpo_out[15:0] | Output | gt0_drpclk_in | Data bus for reading configuration data from the transceiver. |
gt0_drprdy_out | Output | gt0_drpclk_in | Indicates operation is complete for write operations and data is valid for read operations. |
gt0_drpwe_in | Input | gt0_drpclk_in | DRP write enable |
gt0_drpclk_in | Input | N/A | DRP Clock |
gt0_rxchariscomma_out[1:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
GT Status |
gt0_rxcharisk_out[1:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out | Output | rxuserclk2 | |
gt0_rxbyterealign_out | Output | rxuserclk2 | |
gt0_rxcommadet_out | Output | rxuserclk2 | |
gt0_txdiffctrl_in[3:0] | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX Driver |
gt0_txpostcursor_in[4:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt0_txprecursor_in[4:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt0_txpolarity_in | Input | txusrclk2 | GT Polarity |
gt0_rxpolarity_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_txprbssel_in[2:0] | Input | txusrclk2 | GT PRBS |
gt0_txprbsforceerr_in | Input | txusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxprbscntreset_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxprbserr_out | Output | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxprbssel_in[2:0] | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_loopback_in[2:0] | Input | Asynchronous |
GT Loopback Loopback is not supported by the core when RxGmiiClkSrc=RXOUTCLK. |
gt0_txresetdone_out | Output | txusrclk2 | GT Status |
gt0_rxresetdone_out | Output | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxdisperr_out[3:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
gt0_rxnotintable_out [1:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
gt0_eyescanreset_in[3:0] | Input | Asynchronous | GT Eye Scan |
gt0_eyescandataerror_out | Output | Asynchronous | |
gt0_eyescantrigger_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxcdrhold_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT CDR |
gt0_rxcdrlock_out | Output | Asynchronous | |
gt0_rxlpmen_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT GTX/GTH RX Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) |
gt0_rxdfelpmreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt0_rxdfeagcovrden_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt0_rxmonitorout_out[6:0] | Output | Asynchronous | |
gt0_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt0_txpmareset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX-PMA Reset |
gt0_txpcsreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX-PCS Reset |
gt0_rxpmareset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT RX-PMA Reset |
gt0_rxpcsreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT RX-PCS Reset |
gt0_rxbufreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT receive elastic buffer Reset |
gt0_rxpmaresetdone_out | Output | Asynchronous | GT PMA resetdone indication |
gt0_txbufstatus_out[1:0] | Output | txusrclk2 | GT TX Buffer status |
gt0_rxbufstatus_out[2:0] | Output | rxusrclk2 | GT RX Buffer status |
gt0_dmonitorout_out[16:0] | Output | Asynchronous | GT Status. If width differs for particular family then LSBs valid. |
gt0_rxlpmreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | RX LPM reset. Valid only for GTP. |
gt0_rxlpmhfoverden_in | Input | Asynchronous | RX LPM-HF override enable. Valid only for GTP. |
gt0_txinhibit_in | Input | txusrclk2 | Active-High signal forces TX output to steady state. |
Signal | Direction | Clock Domain | Description |
gt_drp_addr_in[8:0] | Input | gt_drpclk_in | DRP address bus |
gt_drpi_in[15:0] | Input | gt_drpclk_in | Data bus for writing configuration data to the transceiver. |
gt_drpo_out[15:0] | Output | gt_drpclk_in | Data bus for reading configuration data from the transceiver. |
gt_drprdy_out | Output | gt_drpclk_in | Indicates operation is complete for write operations and data is valid for read operations. |
gt_drpwe_in | Input | gt_drpclk_in | DRP write enable. |
gt_drpclk_in | Input | N/A | DRP Clock. For UltraScale+/UltraScale devices this must be the same value as selected through the Vivado IDE or passed through the DrpClkRate parameter at generation time. |
gt_rxcommadet_out | Output | rxuserclk2 | |
gt_txdiffctrl_in[3:0] | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX Driver |
gt_txpostcursor_in[4:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt_txprecursor_in[4:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt_txpolarity_in | Input | txusrclk2 | GT Polarity |
gt_rxpolarity_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_txprbssel_in[2:0] | Input | txusrclk2 | GT PRBS |
gt_txprbsforceerr_in | Input | txusrclk2 | |
gt_rxprbscntreset_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_rxprbserr_out | Output | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_rxprbssel_in[2:0] | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_loopback_in[2:0] | Input | Asynchronous |
GT Loopback Loopback is not supported by the core when RxGmiiClkSrc=RXOUTCLK. |
gt_txresetdone_out | Output | txusrclk2 | GT Status |
gt_rxresetdone_out | Output | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_rxdisperr_out[1:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
gt_rxnotintable_out[1:0] | Output |
userclk2 for non-1588 mode, rxuserclk2 for when 1588 enabled. |
gt_eyescanreset_in[3:0] | Input | Asynchronous | GT Eye Scan |
gt_eyescandataerror_out | Output | Asynchronous | |
gt_eyescantrigger_in | Input | rxusrclk2 | |
gt_rxcdrhold_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT CDR |
gt_rxcdrlock_out | Output | Asynchronous | |
gt_rxlpmen_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT GTX/GTH RX Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) |
gt_rxdfelpmreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt_txpmareset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX-PMA Reset |
gt_txpcsreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT TX-PCS Reset |
gt_rxpmareset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT RX-PMA Reset |
gt_rxpcsreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT RX-PCS Reset |
gt_rxbufreset_in | Input | Asynchronous | GT Receive Elastic Buffer Reset |
gt_rxpmaresetdone_out | Output | Asynchronous | GT PMA resetdone indication |
gt_txbufstatus_out[1:0] | Output | txusrclk2 | GT TX Buffer status |
gt_rxbufstatus_out[2:0] | Output | rxusrclk2 | GT RX Buffer status |
gt_dmonitorout_out[16:0] | Output | Asynchronous | GT Status |
gt_txinhibit | Input | txusrclk2 | Active-High signal forces TX output to steady state. |
gt_pcsrsvdin | Input | Asynchronous | See the UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) and the AMD UltraScaleā¢ FPGAs Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide(PG182) for details. |
gt_cpllrefclksel[2:0] | Input | Asynchronous | |
gt_gtrefclk1 | Input | N/A |