Ports Added from v15.2 to v16.0 - 16.2 English - PG047

1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG047)

Document ID
Release Date
16.2 English

The following table does not list the ports separately for multi-lane asynchronous SGMII/BASE-X over LVDS prefixed with _[lane_number] . The definition of such signals is the same as the older signal definition except for the prefixed lane number in the signal name.

Table 1. Ports Added in V16.0
In/Out Port Name Description What to do
In phyaddr[4:0] PHY address for the core This has been converted from a parameter in earlier releases to a port.
In dummy_port_in Applicable only for Asynchronous 1000BASE-X/SGMII over LVDS mode. Enabled based on placement options for the IP. Bring this signal to the top level and LOC this port to BITLISCE0 location of the RX_NIBBLE.
Out tx_dly_rdy Delay ready indication from TX IO logic For multiple core instantiations connect this output from the instance without shared logic to the tx_dly_rdy_n/rx_dly_rdy_n port of the shared logic in the core.
Out rx_dly_rdy Delay ready indication from RX IO logic
Out tx_vtc_rdy VTC ready indication from TX IO logic For multiple core instantiations connect this output from the instance without shared logic to the tx_vtc_rdy_n/rx_vtc_rdy_n port of the shared logic in the core.
Out rx_vtc_rdy VTC ready indication from RX IO logic
Out tx_logic_reset 1 Reset for TX fabric logic Can be kept open for the Ethernet application because enabling of the downstream logic can be handled by the core sync_status.
Out rx_logic_reset 1 Reset for RX fabric logic
Out rx_locked 1 RX PLL locked indication Can be kept open.
Out tx_locked 1 TX PLL locked indication Can be kept open.
Out tx_pll_clkout_phy_en Port no longer available.
Out rx_pll_clkout_phy_en Port no longer available.
Out tx_bsc_rst_out 1 TX BITSLICE control reset For multiple core instantiations connect to the appropriate port in the instance without shared logic in the core.
Out rx_bsc_rst_out 1 RX BITSLICE control reset
Out rx_rst_dly_out 1 Reset to RX delay lines
Out tx_rst_dly_out 1 Reset to TX delay lines
Out tx_bsc_en_vtc_out 1 Enable VTC indication to TX BITSLICE control
Out rx_bsc_en_vtc_out 1 Enable VTC indication to RX BITSLICE control
Out tx_bs_en_vtc_out 1 Enable VTC indication to TX BITSLICE
Out rx_bs_en_vtc_out 1 Enable VTC indication to RX BITSLICE
Out riu_clk_out 1 RIU clock from PLL Can be kept open. For multiple core instantiations connect to the appropriate port in the instance without shared logic in the core.
Out riu_addr_out[5:0] 1 RIU address For multiple core instantiations connect to the appropriate port in the instance without shared logic in the core.
Out riu_wr_data_out[15:0] 1 RIU write data
Out riu_wr_en_out 1 RIU write enable
Out riu_nibble_sel_out[1:0] 1 RIU Nibble select
In riu_rddata_n[15:0] 1 where N=1,2,3 RIU read data from other BYTE_GROUPS of the bank
In riu_valid_n 1 Where N=1,2,3 RIU valid from other BYTE_GROUPS of the bank
In riu_prsnt_n 1 Where N =1,2,3 RIU present indication from other BYTE_GROUPS of the bank
Out rx_btval_n[8:0] 1 Where n=1,2,3 Calibration output from reset sequence. This is the count value of DELAY corresponding to 800 ps.
Out clk_rst_debug_out[7:0] Port no longer available.
Out tx_pll_clk_out 1 TX PLL clock to RX IO logic For multiple core instantiations connect to the appropriate port without shared logic in core.
Out rx_pll_clk_out 1 RX PLL clock to RX IO logic
Out tx_rdclk_out 1 Read clock from TX_BITSLICE FIFO.
In rx_btval[8:0] 2 Calibration output from reset sequence. This is the count value of DELAY corresponding to 800 ps. For multiple core instantiations connect to the appropriate port from the instance with shared logic in the core.
In tx_bsc_rst 2 TX_BITSLICE_CONTROL reset
In rx_bsc_rst 2 RX_BITSLICE_CONTROL reset
In tx_bs_rst 2 TX_BITSLICE reset
In rx_bs_rst 2 RX_BITSLICE reset
In tx_rst_dly 2 Reset to TX delay lines
In rx_rst_dly 2 Reset to RX delay lines
In tx_bsc_en_vtc 2 Enable VTC to TX BITSLICE control
In rx_bsc_en_vtc 2 Enable VTC to RX BITSLICE control
In tx_bs_en_vtc 2 Enable VTC to TX BITSLICE
In rx_bs_en_vtc 2 Enable VTC to RX BITSLICE
In riu_clk 2 RIU clock
In riu_addr[5:0] 2 RIU address
In riu_wr_data[15:0] 2 RIU write data
In riu_wr_en 2 RIU write enable
In riu_nibble_sel[1:0] 2 RIU Nibble select
Out riu_prsnt RIU present
Out riu_valid 2 RIU Valid
Out riu_rd_data[15:0] 2 RIU Read data
In tx_pll_clk 2 TX PLL clock to IO logic
In rx_pll_clk 2 TX PLL clock to IO logic
In tx_rdclk 2 Read clock from TX_BITSLICE FIFO.
  1. This signal is applicable for asynchronous 1000BASE-X/SGMII over LVDS when Shared logic is in core.
  2. This signal is applicable for asynchronous 1000BASE-X/SGMII over LVDS when shared logic is in example design.