Lane Placement Parameters - 16.2 English - PG047

1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG047)

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16.2 English
Number of PCS/PMA lanes to generate. This is applicable only for asynchronous 1000BASE-X/SGMII over LVDS.
This is the location of txp_0/txn_0 within TxNibble. Valid values are:
Indicates bitslice0 and bitslice1 to be used for the first lane.
Indicates bitslice2 and bitslice3 to be used for the first lane.
Indicates bitslice4 and bitslice5 to be used for the first lane.
This is the location of txp_1/txn_1 within TxNibble (if Number_of_Lanes is greater than 1). Valid values are:
Indicates bitslice0 and bitslice1 to be used for the second lane.
Indicates bitslice2 and bitslice3 to be used for the second lane.
Indicates bitslice4 and bitslice5 to be used for the second lane.

For the third lane the placement not selected for Lane 0 and Lane 1 is chosen.

This is the location of rxp_0/rxn_0 within RxNibble. Valid values are:
Indicates bitslice0 and bitslice1 to be used for the first lane.
Indicates bitslice2 and bitslice3 to be used for the first lane.
Indicates bitslice4 and bitslice5 to be used for the first lane.
This is the location of rxp_1/rxn_1 within RxNibble (if Number_of_Lanes is greater than 1). Valid values are:
Indicates bitslice0 and bitslice1 to be used for the second lane.
Indicates bitslice2 and bitslice3 to be used for the second lane.
Indicates bitslice4 and bitslice5 to be used for the second lane.

For third lane the placement not selected for Lane 0 and Lane 1 would be chosen.

This is an indication to the logic to instantiate a Dummy BITSLICE0.

If TRUE, then the core logic handles BITSLICE0 insertion. If BITSLICE0 insertion is required a dummy BITSLICE0 is instantiated, and a dummy_port_in appears at the top level (depending on the RxNibbleBitslice0Used value). The dummy_port_in needs to be connected at the top level and the pin LOC'ed at the appropriate BITSLICE0 location.

If FALSE, the IP logic does not instantiate BITSLICE0.

Valid Values: TRUE/FALSE

Note: BITSLICE0 instantiation is necessary in RxNibble if the pin is not used as per native mode use guidelines.
This is an indication to the core if the BITSLICE0 of RX_NIBBLE is used as the reference clock. This is enabled only when InstantiateBitslice0 is enabled.

If TRUE, the clock pins should be connected at the corresponding BITSLICE0 location. Internal logic connects the clock to the BITSLICE0 input. However, when Include Shared Logic in Example Design is selected the dummy_port_in should be connected to a single ended clock.

If FALSE, BITSLICE0 is not used as a clock. Logic instantiates BITSLICE0 based on the InstantiateBitslice0 value.

Valid Values: TRUE/FALSE

Indicates whether the TX is in the upper or lower nibble, If Tx_In_Upper_Nibble=0 this means that the RX is in the upper nibble and the TX is in lower nibble and vice versa.

Valid Values: 0/1