The following table shows the physical side interface ports for SGMII over LVDS when Shared Logic is included in the Example Design.
Signal | Direction | Description |
clk125m | Input | 125 MHz reference clock from IBUFDS. |
txp | Output | Transmit differential |
txn | Output | Transmit differential |
rxp | Input | Receive differential |
rxn | Input | Receive differential |
clk104 | Input | 104 MHz clock derived from 125MHz input differential clock |
clk208 | Input | 208 MHz clock derived from 125MHz input differential clock |
clk625 | Input | 625 MHz clock derived from 125MHz input differential clock |
mmcm_locked | Input | Indication from the MMCM that the outputs are stable |
The following table describes the physical side interface ports when the core is configured with SGMII over LVDS when Shared Logic is included in the core.
Signal | Direction | Description |
refclk125_p | Input | Differential 125 MHz clock synchronous to incoming SGMII serial data |
refclk125_n | Input | Differential 125 Mhz clock synchronous to incoming SGMII serial data |
clk125_out | Output | Single ended 125 MHz clock. |
clk625_out | Output | 625 MHz clock |
clk208_out | Output | 208 MHz clock |
clk104_out | Output | 104 MHz clock |
rst_125_out | Output | Output reset synchronous to 125 MHz clock. |
mmcm_locked_out | Output | MMCM locked indication. |
txp | Output | Transmit differential |
txn | Output | Transmit differential |
rxp | Input | Receive differential |
rxn | Input | Receive differential |
Note: The signal
given a lower value for ease in simulation. Actual implementation can tie it to