The ports in the following table were added to the core (non-shared logic).
Port Name and Width | In/Out | Description | What to do |
rxoutclk | Output |
rxoutclk from the transceiver |
This was previously connected internally to clocking elements and
routed to rxuserclk and
rxuserclk2 .This can be left open if
rxuserclk | Input | Signal from the shared logic block to the transceiver | If rxoutclk can be shared across instances,
connect O/P of shared logic block. If not, connect to rxoutclk after
passing through additional clocking elements. |
rxuserclk2 | Input | Signal from the shared logic block to the transceiver | If rxoutclk can be shared across instances,
connect O/P of shared logic block. If not, connect to rxoutclk after
passing through additional clocking elements. |
gt0_pll0outclk_in | Input | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates out clock from PLL0 of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_pll0outrefclk_in | Input | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates reference out clock from PLL0 of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_pll1outclk_in | Input | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates out clock from PLL1 of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_pll1outrefclk_in | Input | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates reference out clock from PLL1 of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common |
gt0_pll0lock_in | Input | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates out PLL0 of GT Common has locked. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_pll0refclklost_in | Input | Valid only forAMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates out reference clock for PLL0 of GT Common is lost. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_pll0reset_out | Output | Valid only for AMD Artix™ 7 families. Reset for PLL of GT Common from reset FSM in GT Wizard | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common or can be left open if not needed. |
gt0_qplloutclk_in | Input | Valid only for non AMD Artix™ 7 families. Indicates out clock from PLL of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
gt0_qplloutrefclk_in | Input | Valid only for non AMD Artix™ 7 Families. Indicates reference out clock from PLL of GT Common. | Should be connected to signal of same name from GT Common. |
The ports in the following table were added to the core, but only if the transceiver debug feature was requested during core customization. See the relevant transceiver user guide for more information on using these control/status ports.
Port Name and Width | In/Out | Description | What to do 1 |
gt0_rxchariscomma_out[1:0] | Output | RX character is comma indication | LSB is valid in all cases other than 1588 mode where both the bits are valid. |
gt0_rxcharisk_out[1:0] | Output | RX character is K indication | LSB is valid in all cases other than 1588 mode where both the bits are valid. |
gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out | Output | RX byte is aligned indication | |
gt0_rxbyterealign_out | Output | RX byte is realigned indication | |
gt0_rxcommadet_out | Output | RX comma is detected indication | |
gt0_txpolarity | Input | Switch the sense of the TXN/P pins | |
gt0_txdiffctrl[3:0] | Input | Can be used to tune the transceiver TX waveform | |
gt0_txprecursor[4:0] | Input | Can be used to tune the transceiver TX waveform | |
gt0_txpostcursor[4:0] | Input | Can be used to tune the transceiver TX waveform | |
gt0_rxpolarity | Input | Switch the sense of the RXN/P pins | |
gt0_txprbssel_in[2:0] | Input | TX Pattern Generator control signals to test signal integrity | |
gt0_txprbsforceerr_in | Input | TX Pattern Generator control signals to test signal integrity | |
gt0_rxprbscntreset_in | Input | RX Pattern Checker reset | |
gt0_rxprbserr_out | Output | RX Pattern Checker error output | |
gt0_rxprbssel_in | Input | RX Pattern Checker control signals to test signal integrity | |
gt0_loopback_in[2:0] | Input | Loopback within transceiver Note: Loopback is not supported by the core when
gt0_txresetdone_out | Output | Transmitter reset done | |
gt0_rxresetdone_out | Output | Receiver reset done | |
gt0_rxdisperr_out[1:0] | Output | Indicates there is disparity error in received data | LSB is valid in all cases other than 1588 mode where both the bits are valid. |
gt0_rxnotintable_out[1:0] | Output | Indicates received 10 bit pattern was not found in 8B/10B decode table | LSB is valid in all cases other than 1588 mode where both the bits are valid. |
gt0_eyescanreset | Input | Reset the eye scan logic | |
gt0_eyescantrigger | Input | Trigger the eye scan logic | |
gt0_eyescandataerror | Output | Signals an error during eye scan | |
gt0_rxcdrhold | Input | Freeze the CDR loop | |
gt0_rxlpmhfhold_in | Input | GTP transceiver low-power mode signal | |
gt0_rxlpmlfhold_in | Input | GTP transceiver low-power mode signal | |
gt0_rxmonitorout_out[6:0] | Output | GTX/GTH transceiver RX DFE signal | |
gt0_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0] | Input | GTX/GTH transceiver RX DFE signal | |