The following figure shows a typical application for the core, where the core is
providing a SGMII to GMII bridge using a device-specific transceiver to provide the
serial interface. Operation in 2.5G SGMII mode is similar to 1G SGMII mode. Data rates
of 25 Mbps or 250 Mbps are not supported for the 2.5G SGMII interface.
The device-specific transceiver is connected to an external off-the-shelf
Ethernet MAC device that also supports 1G or 2.5G SGMII. (This can be the AMD Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC core connected to the
1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII core operating in GMII to SGMII mode).
The GMII core interface is connected to a tri-mode or 2.5G PHY, providing
10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, and 1000BASE-T operation.
Figure 1. Typical Application for SGMII to GMII Bridge Mode