struct XRFdc_Distribution_Settings (Gen 3/DFE) - 2.6 English - PG269

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.6 Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269)

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2.6 English

This structure is used to set the clock distribution settings.

u32 SourceTileId;
u32 SourceType;
u32 EdgeTileIds[2];
u32 EdgeTypes[2];
double DistRefClkFreq;
u32 DistributedClock;
double SampleRates[2][4]; /*[Type][Tile] e.g. ClkSettings[XRFDC_ADC_TILE][1] for ADC1*/
u32 ShutdownMode;
XRFdc_Distribution_Info Info;


u32 SourceTileId
RF-ADC/RF-DAC tile number of the source tile. Valid values are 0-3.
u32 SourceType
The source tile type. RF-ADC or RF-DAC; 0 for RF-ADC and 1 for RF-DAC.
u32 EdgeTileIds[2]
The tile ID of each of the edge tiles (the last tile to the north and south of the source tile). The indexing corresponds to the EdgeTypes parameter. RF-ADC/RF-DAC tile number. Valid values are 0-3.
u32 EdgeTypes[2]
The type of each of the edge tiles (the last tile to the north and south of the source tile). The indexing corresponds to the EdgeTileIds parameter.RF-ADC or RF-DAC; 0 for RF-ADC and 1 for RF-DAC.
double DistRefClkFreq
The input reference clock to the source tile.
u32 DistributedClock
The clock the source tile forwards. Valid values are 0 (none), 1 (the received reverence clock), and 2 (a full rate clock from the internal divider).
double SampleRates[2][4]
The sampling rate for any given tile. The array is indexed as [Type][TileId]. Only the tiles included in the distribution need to be populated.
u32 ShutdownMode
This gives the user to control over whether or not to start up the tiles in the distribution. Valid values are 0 (start up distribution) and 1 (keep the distribution shut down).
XRFdc_Distribution_Info Info
A structure which contains information about the distribution, This does not need to be populated to set the clock distribution.
Table 1. Valid Macros for Distributed Clock
Macro Description
XRFDC_DIST_OUT_NONE Do not distribute the clock of this tile
XRFDC_DIST_OUT_RX Distribute this RX clock of this tile
XRFDC_DIST_OUT_OUTDIV Distribute the clock out of the output divider of this tile