The following figures show the tile high-level clocking structure. The clocking structure in a tile starts from a single clock source coming from the tile PLL or straight from the clock input pins.
For a tile to keep a low-jitter and high-speed clocking structure, a single input clock is routed to each RF-ADC or RF-DAC in the tile and divided for the dedicated signal conditioning functions within the RF-ADC or RF-DAC.
The clock coming out from the divider of the master tile can be used to drive the PL. A BUFG_GT buffer is automatically instantiated by the IP core when the output clock is used.
The following figure shows the clock connections for a typical Zynq™ UltraScale+™ RFSoC RF Data Converter IP core. The IP core automatically instantiates and connects the constituent RF-ADC and RF-DAC tiles based on the selections in the AMD Vivado™ IDE.
In most applications the AXI4-Stream clock is common to multiple converters and is supplied from an external clock as shown in the previous figure. This clock must be derived from the same master clock source as the sampling and/or reference clocks to the RF-ADC and RF-DAC tiles. Alternatively, it is possible to use the output of one of the RF-DAC or RF-ADC tiles to generate the AXI4-Stream clocks as shown in the following figure.