Function Prototype
u32 XRFdc_GetCalCoefficients(XRFdc *InstancePtr, u32 Tile_Id, u32 Block_Id,
u32 CalibrationBlock, XRFdc_Calibration_Coefficients *CoeffPtr);
- XRFdc * InstancePtr
- Pointer to the driver instance.
- u32 Tile_Id
- RF-ADC tile number. Valid values are 0-3.
- u32 Block_Id
- RF-ADC block number inside the tile. Valid values are 0-3.
- u32 CalibrationBlock
- The calibration block whose override is to be disabled. Valid values are 0 (only available for Gen 3/DFE device), 1-3 representing the OCB1, OCB2, GCB, and TSCB respectively.
- XRFdc_Calibration_Coefficients *CoeffPtr
- Pointer to generic calibration coefficients structure
Macro | Description |
XRFDC_CAL_BLOCK_OCB1 | Offset Calibration Block (Background) (Gen 3/DFE) |
XRFDC_CAL_BLOCK_OCB2 | Offset Calibration Block (Foreground) |
XRFDC_CAL_BLOCK_GCB | Gain Calibration Block (Background) |
XRFDC_CAL_BLOCK_TSCB | Time Skew Calibration Block (Background) |
This API function populates the provided coefficients structure for the selected block.
The block is selected using the Calibration Block parameter.
Note: OCB1 only available for Gen 3/DFE
Return Value