Changes from V2.4 to V2.5 - 2.6 English - PG269

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.6 Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269)

Document ID
Release Date
2.6 English

Parameter Changes

In version 2.5 the data width and decimation rate of the RF-ADC observation channel interfaces can be set independently of the main data channel. In previous versions the data width and decimation rate were set to be the same as the main data channel. The following user parameters set the observation channel characteristics.

Table 1. RF-ADC Parameter Changes in Version 2.5
Parameter 1 Function 1
ADCX_OBS_Fabric_Freq Frequency of mX_axis_obs_aclk
ADC_OBS_Data_WidthXY Width of mXY_axis_obs_tdata port in samples
ADC_OBS_Decimation_ModeXY Decimation rate on mXY_axis_obs_tdata output
  1. X refers to the location of the tile in the converter column. Y refers to the location of the RF-ADC in the tile (0 to 3)

Port Changes

When the RF-ADC real-time signals are enabled the following ports have been added.

Table 2. RF-ADC Port Changes in Version 2.5
Port Direction Upgrade Action
adcXY_datapath_overflow 1 Out Leave Open
  1. X refers to the location of the tile in the converter column. Y refers to the location of the RF-ADC in the tile (0 to 3).

When the RF-DAC real-time signals are enabled the following ports have been added.

Table 3. RF-DAC Port Changes in Version 2.5
Port Direction Upgrade Action
dacXY_datapath_overflow 1 Out Leave Open
  1. X refers to the location of the tile in the converter column. Y refers to the location of the RF-DAC in the tile (0 to 3).