Port Name 1 | I/O | Clock | Description |
sX_axis_aclk | In | N/A | Clock input for RF-DAC data input |
sX_axis_aresetn | In | N/A | Active-Low synchronous reset for the sX_axis_aclk domain. This should
be held low until sX_axis_aclk is stable. The reset can be asserted asynchronously but
deassertion must be synchronous to sX_axis_aclk. This resets the RF-DAC data path and input FIFO. |
sXY_axis_tdata[M:0] | In | sX_axis_aclk | AXI4-Stream data input |
sXY_axis_tvalid | In | sX_axis_aclk | AXI4-Stream valid. This port is present to ensure AXI4-Stream compatibility. It is not used in the IP core. |
sXY_axis_tready | Out | sX_axis_aclk | AXI4-Stream ready |
voutXZ_p | Out | N/A | Analog output |
voutXZ_n | Out | N/A | Analog output |