Input signal contents at Fs/N, where N = 8 and 4 for the Dual and Quad RF-ADC tile respectively, must be muted during foreground calibration of OCB2. The signal component at the k*Fs/N bins should be less than -95 dBFs. Gain and Time Skew calibration blocks (GCB, TSCB) should be put in freeze mode when the input signal drops below -40 dBFs level for longer than 100 μs. A simple detector block can be used to manage the dynamic control of the freeze port. Dithering mode should be disabled when operating the RF-ADC at 0.75 times the maximum sampling rate or slower for the Dual and Quad parts. For applicable systems, a training signal can also be used to calibrate the GCB and TSCB before switching the system to real time operation. Sub-RF-ADC data output streams are available at the programmable logic interface if the DDC features are not used.