RF-ADC Tile Configuration - 2.6 English - PG269

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.6 Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269)

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2.6 English

These parameters are common to every RF-ADC in a tile.

Link Coupling
This determines if the input signal to the RF-ADC is AC or DC-coupled. Typical applications use AC-coupling, but for certain applications such as Zero IF, DC-coupling is also supported. When DC link coupling mode is selected, the common mode voltage of the external driving circuit needs to be aligned with the RF-ADC internal common mode voltage by using the externally driven VCM pin (see RF-ADC Analog Input)). The VCM pin is only enabled for DC-coupling mode, and can be left floating if AC-coupling mode is chosen.
Converter Band Mode
Each RF-ADC can operate either independently (single band mode) or together with other converters in the tile (multi-band mode). The following modes are available for the RF-ADC.
The converter operates in single band mode.
Multi x2 (pair 01)
The output from ADC 0 is routed through the DDC channel of both ADC 0 and 1. Digital settings, such as mixer mode and type, are available for each DDC channel. In Quad devices the other two RF-ADCs in the tile operate in single band mode.
Multi x2 (pair 23)
This option is similar to the previous mode. Here the output from ADC 2 is routed to DDC channels 2 and 3. The other converters in the tile operate in single band mode. This option is only available on Quad devices.
Multi x2 (both)
A combination of the previous multi-band options. The data from ADC 0 provides the input for DDC channels 0 and 1. The data from ADC 2 supplies DDC channels 2 and 3. This option is only available on Quad devices.
Multi x4
All DDC channels in the tile are supplied from ADC 0. This option is only available on Quad devices.
Multi Tile Sync
When enabled, the tile is included in a multi-tile synchronization group. RF-ADC Tile 0 must be enabled and present in the group along with converter 0 of the tile being configured to enable this option. See Multi-Tile Synchronization for details.