Dynamic Update Events - 2.6 English - PG269

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.6 Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269)

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2.6 English

Certain datapath features in the RF-ADC and RF-DAC tiles can be updated during runtime. Depending on the application, it might be required to update a setting immediately or to wait for a certain event to apply the update. For example, when resetting the NCO phase, using the SYSREF event allows the phase reset action to be applied at the same time across multiple tiles. The following table shows the available events types.

Table 1. Event Types
Event Name Function Event Source Comment
Immediate Updates the settings of a given feature immediately after writing. RFdc Driver Does not apply for Dual RF-ADC tiles
Block Updates when the block event register is written. Allows features of a given block to update at the same time. RFdc Driver Does not apply for Dual RF-ADC tiles
Tile Updates when the tile event register is written. Allows features in all blocks in a tile to update at the same time. RFdc Driver
PL Updates when the PL_event input on a tile is asserted. Allows features across multiple blocks/tiles to be updated.
Note: This event does not guarantee synchronized updates across tiles.
dacXY_pl_event or adcXY_pl_event input Asserted from user design in the PL 1
SYSREF Updates when a SYSREF is received through the SYSREF_p/n input pins. Allows features across multiple blocks/tiles/devices to update at the same time. The updates are requested using a corresponding API function call, such as XRFDC_ResetNCOPhase to arm the event for all the block/tiles being requested/armed. The host processor checks the return of the API call to ensure that all of the events arming are completed before issuing the SYSREF pulse if synchronization is wanted across blocks, tiles and devices. SYSREF_p/n input MTS must be enabled on a certain tile. The analog SYSREF signal must be gated internally or externally. 2
PL Marker Updates when the user_sysref_dac signal is asserted. This signal is synchronous and aligned to the RF-DAC data. For Multi-Tile Synchronization (MTS), this trigger is not recommended because of FIFO skew adjustment between tiles and devices. user_sysref_dac IP input Applies only to RF-DAC tiles
  1. These signals are synchronous to the converter output clocks, clk_dacX and clk_adcX. These clocks are on local routing. A small amount of logic can be clocked on the output clocks and used to drive the PL event signals. This logic should be placed near the converter to facilitate timing closure. Alternatively, the PL event signals can be generated on a global clock and then synchronized to the output clock of the relevant converter.
  2. See the Multi-Tile Synchronization section for further details.

Features that are intended to be dynamically updated must be programmed to be sensitive to one of these update events. The update is a one-shot event. The first trigger latches in the update after it has been armed. The event source for each feature is flexible and can be individually set. The following features support this dynamic update:

  • Fine Mixer/NCO
  • Quadrature Modulator Correction (QMC)
  • Coarse Delay