The RFdc driver API uses the EventSource
parameter of a
particular function to set up the trigger event for that
function. It can also issue a subset of the events. The
following code shows an example of the setup of a tile event
source followed by the tile event.
// Initial Setup - Mixer settings for 2 DDC blocks
XRFdc_Mixer_Settings Mixer_Settings_0;
XRFdc_Mixer_Settings Mixer_Settings_1;
// Mixer Settings for both DDC blocks are updated with a tile event
Mixer_Settings_0.EventSource = XRFDC_EVNT_SRC_TILE;
Mixer_Settings_1.EventSource = XRFDC_EVNT_SRC_TILE;
// Make changes to mixer settings and write them to both DDCs
Mixer_Settings_0.freq = 1.23;
Mixer_Settings_1.freq = 1.43;
XRFdc_SetMixerSettings (ptr, XRFDC_ADC_TILE, 0, 0, &Mixer_Settings_0);
XRFdc_SetMixerSettings (ptr, XRFDC_ADC_TILE, 0, 1, &Mixer_Settings_1);
// Generate the event for DDC block 0
// This maps to the Tile event, which updates both DDCs at the same moment
XRFdc_UpdateEvent(ptr, XRFDC_ADC_TILE, 0, 0, XRFDC_EVENT_MIXER);