Single Converter Mode - 2.6 English - PG269

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.6 Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269)

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Release Date
2.6 English

When multi-tile synchronization (MTS) is not supported all the converters are independent. An NCO update state machine is instantiated for each converter. In dual RF-ADC configurations, the event source must be set to Tile before a NCO update can be performed. In other configurations single channels can be updated when the event source is set to Block or Immediate. See Dynamic Update Events for more information on setting the event source.

The process for updating the NCO settings is shown below.

Figure 1. Single Converter NCO Update

  1. Firstly the required frequency, phase, and phase reset values are set on the real-time NCO signal interface ports.
  2. The update enable port is set to indicate which converter register values are to be updated.
  3. A pulse is then sent to the update request port. If the IP state machine has completed the start up process the access to the requested NCO registers commences.
  4. The busy signal remains High until the NCO update process is complete. The frequency, phase, and phase reset values should be held until the busy signal is deasserted.

    An estimate of the number of s_axi_aclk cycles taken to write the NCO values into the converter registers (T1) is given in the following tables for different values of nco_update_en.

Table 1. NCO Update Times
nco_update_en RF-DAC / Quad RF-ADC Dual RF-ADC
000001 26 45
000010 24 43
000011 29 51
000100 24 43
000101 31 55
000110 27 49
000111 32 57
001000 24 43
001001 31 55
001010 29 53
001011 34 61
001100 27 49
001101 34 61
001110 30 55
001111 35 63
010000 24 43
010001 31 55
010010 29 53
010011 34 61
010100 29 53
010101 36 65
010110 32 59
010111 37 67
011000 27 49
011001 34 61
011010 32 59
011011 37 67
011100 30 55
011101 37 67
011110 33 61
011111 38 69
100000 22 43
100001 29 53
100010 27 53
100011 32 59
100100 27 53
100101 34 63
100110 30 59
100111 35 65
101000 27 53
101001 34 63
101010 32 63
101011 37 69
101100 30 59
101101 37 69
101110 33 65
101111 38 71
110000 25 49
110001 32 59
110010 30 59
110011 35 65
110100 30 59
110101 37 69
110110 33 65
110111 38 71
111000 28 55
111001 35 65
111010 33 65
111011 38 71
111100 31 61
111101 38 71
111110 34 67
111111 39 73