Using the PLL to Generate the Core Clock - 8.12 English - PG056

CPRI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG056)

Document ID
Release Date
8.12 English

In Virtex 7, Artix 7, and Kintex 7 devices the use_pll input to the example design can be tied to High to enable the core to use a PLLE2 in place of a MMCME2 in the core clock path. This might help with clocking resource utilization in designs containing multiple CPRI cores.

To use the PLLE2 the following changes should be made to the <component_name>_tx_clk_gen.vhd file located in the <project_directory>/example_design/gtx_and_clocks directory.

First, the MMCME2 instance mmcm_adv_inst should be replaced with the following PLLE2_ADV instance:

mmcm_adv_inst: PLLE2_ADV
 generic map
  (BANDWIDTH          => "HIGH",
   CLKOUT0_PHASE      => 0.000,
   CLKFBOUT_PHASE     => 0.000, 
   CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.50,
   CLKIN1_PERIOD      => 8.138,
   REF_JITTER1        => 0.010, 
   -- See table 5-5 for the following parameter settings  
   DIVCLK_DIVIDE      => 1,  
   CLKFBOUT_MULT      => 10,  
   CLKOUT0_DIVIDE     => 8,  
   CLKOUT1_DIVIDE     => 8, 
   CLKOUT2_DIVIDE     => 8,  
   CLKOUT3_DIVIDE     => 8,  
   CLKOUT4_DIVIDE     => 8,  
   CLKOUT5_DIVIDE     => 8)  
port map  
   -- Output clocks  
   (CLKFBOUT          => fb, 
    CLKOUT0           => clkout0_i, 
    CLKOUT1           => clkout1_i, 
    CLKOUT2           => clkout2_i, 
    CLKOUT3           => clkout3_i, 
    CLKOUT4           => clkout4_i, 
    CLKOUT5           => clkout5_i, 
    -- Input clock control 
    CLKFBIN           => fb, 
    CLKIN1            => refclk, 
    CLKIN2            => '0', 
    -- Tied to always select the primary input clock 
    CLKINSEL          => '1',
    -- Ports for dynamic reconfiguration 
    DADDR             => daddr_i(6 downto 0), 
    DCLK              => dclk, 
    DEN               => den_i, 
    DI                => di_i, 
    DO                => do, 
    DRDY              => drdy, 
    DWE               => dwe_i, 
    -- Other control and status signals 
    LOCKED            => clk_ok_i, 
    PWRDWN            => '0', 
    RST               => reset);

The settings for the DIVCLK_DIVIDE, CLKFBOUT_MULT, and CLKOUT_DIVIDE parameters are detailed in the following table. The CLKIN1_PERIOD should also be changed to the period of the reference clock. If the MMCME2 is constrained to a specific location in the XDC constraints file, a suitable PLL location should be substituted.

Table 1. PLLE2 Parameter Settings
3,072.0 Mb/s capable cores 122.88 MHz 1 10 8
153.60 MHz 2 16 8
6,144.0 Mb/s capable cores 122.88 MHz 4 40 4(1)
153.60 MHz 4 32 4(1)
245.76 MHz 4 20 4(1)
307.20 MHz 4 16 4(1)
9,830.4 Mb/s capable cores 122.88 MHz 1 10 5
153.60 MHz 1 8 5
245.76 MHz 2 10 5
307.20 MHz 2 8 5
  1. Set CLKOUT_DIVIDE to 8 for 32-bit datapath cores.