Vendor-Specific Data Interface - 8.12 English - PG056

CPRI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG056)

Document ID
Release Date
8.12 English

The CPRI specification allows for the transport of vendor-specific data in certain sub channels of the control-word stream. The vendor-specific subchannels begin at subchannel 3 and end at the subchannel before the Ethernet data begins. If an Ethernet channel is not in use, the subchannels up to 63 can be used for vendor-specific data. In normal CPRI operation subchannel 3 and subchannels 8 to 15 are reserved. Subchannels 4 to 7 are reserved for the transport of control AxC information.

Table 1. Vendor-Specific Data Interface Signals
Port Direction Clock Domain Description
vendor_tx_data In System Clock Current vendor-specific control word for transmission. This port is 128-bits wide when 24,330.24, 12,165.12, 10,137.6, 9,830.4 or 8,110.08 Mb/s operation is supported, 80-bits wide when 6,144.0, 64-bits wide when 4,915.2 Mb/s operation is supported and 40-bits wide otherwise.
vendor_tx_xs[1:0] Out System Clock Current Control Word Index (Xs) for transmission
vendor_tx_ns[5:0] Out System Clock Current Subchannel Index (Ns) for transmission
vendor_rx_data Out System Clock Current received vendor-specific control word. This port is 128-bits wide when 24,330.24, 12,165.12, 10,137.6, 9,830.4 or 8,110.08 Mb/s operation is supported, 80-bits wide when 6,144.0, 64-bits wide when 4,915.2 Mb/s operation is supported and 40-bits wide otherwise.
vendor_rx_xs[1:0] Out System Clock Control word index (Xs) for received vendor-specific control word
vendor_rx_ns[5:0] Out System Clock Subchannel index (Ns) for received vendor-specific control word
vs_negotiation_complete In System Clock Vendor-specific negotiation complete. This port should be held Low until vendor-specific negotiation is complete. This causes the start-up state machine in the CPRI core to pause in state E, “Interface and vendor-specific negotiation” until vs_negotiation_complete is asserted High. If no vendor-specific negotiation is required then this port should be tied High.

The interface for the vendor-specific data is presented to the client logic much like it is on the I/Q data interface. On transmit, the core presents the current control word index Xs and the subchannel number Ns on ports vendor_tx_xs and vendor_tx_ns, respectively. If this subchannel is in the vendor-specific range, the core captures the data on the vendor_tx_data port on assertion of the iq_tx_enable signal and sends it out in the correct basic frame. If the subchannel is not in the vendor-specific range, the core ignores data on the vendor_tx_data port.

Figure 1. Vendor-Specific Data Interface - Transmit

On receive, the core presents the last received subchannel number Ns and control word index Xs on ports vendor_rx_ns and vendor_rx_xs, respectively. If the subchannel is in the vendor-specific range, the vendor_rx_data port signals the value received in that subchannel control word. If the subchannel is not in the vendor-specific range, the vendor_rx_data port can drive all logic 0s. See the following figure.

The vendor-specific data takes several cycles to settle at the vendor_rx_data output. The number of cycles is dependent on the size of the control word. The data is stable when basic_frame_first_word is asserted at the end of the frame.

Figure 2. Vendor-Specific Data Interface - Receive

The valid widths for the vendor_tx_data and vendor_rx_data ports vary according to line speed. The valid bits are:

  • vendor_tx_data[7:0] and vendor_rx_data[7:0] at 614.4 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[15:0] and vendor_rx_data[15:0] at 1,228.8 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[31:0] and vendor_rx_data[31:0] at 2,457.6 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[39:0] and vendor_rx_data[39:0] at 3,072 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[63:0] and vendor_rx_data[63:0] at 4,915.2 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[79:0] and vendor_rx_data[79:0] at 6,144.0 Mb/s
  • vendor_tx_data[127:0] and vendor_rx_data[127:0] at 8,110.08, 9,830.4, 10,137.6, 12,165.12, and 24,330.24 Mb/s

Invalid bits are ignored on transmit and driven to logic 0s on receive.

In addition to the vendor-specific control words the vendor-specific interface also provides access to the control words in subchannels 4 to 7. These can be used to convey AxC specific control information in GSM based systems.