Table: Versal GT TX IP Interface Ports shows the Versal GT TX Interface ports.
Port |
Direction |
Clock Domain |
Description |
ch_txctrl0[15:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX disparity control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txctrl1[15:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX disparity polarity control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txctrl2[7:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX char is K to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txdata[127:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX data to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txdiffctrl[4:0] |
Out |
Async |
TX diffctrl to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txheader[5:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX header to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txinhibit |
Out |
System Clock |
TX inhibit to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Blocks transmission of TX data. |
ch_txlatclk |
Out |
N/A |
TX asynchronous gearbox latency clock to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Driven by hires_clk if R21 timers option is selected in CPRI GUI. |
ch_txmstdatapathreset |
Out |
System Clock |
TX master data path reset sequence start to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txmstreset |
Out |
System Clock |
TX master reset sequence start to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txmstresetdone |
In |
System Clock |
TX master reset sequence done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txphdlypd |
Out |
Async |
TX phase and delay alignment circuit power down to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txphdlyreset |
Out |
Async |
TX phase alignment reset to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txphdlyresetdone |
In |
Async |
TX phase alignment reset done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txpmaresetdone |
In |
Async |
TX PMA reset done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txpolarity |
Out |
System Clock |
TX polarity control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_txpostcursor[4:0] |
Out |
Async |
Transmitter post-cursor TX pre-emphasis control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_txprbssel[3:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX PRBS generator test pattern control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_txprecursor[4:0] |
Out |
Async |
Transmitter pre-cursor TX pre-emphasis control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_txrate[7:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX line rate control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txsequence[6:0] |
Out |
System Clock |
TX sequence counter to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txsyncallin |
Out |
Async |
TX phase alignment sync in to the Versal ACAP transceiver. For multi-lane auto mode, currently not used. |
ch_txsyncdone |
In |
Async |
TX phase alignment complete from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_txuserrdy |
Out |
System Clock |
TX user clocks stable to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
Notes: 1. CPRI only uses the above subset of the available signals on the Versal ACAP Transceiver Tx_GT_IP_Interface. For further details, see the Versal ACAP Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG331) [Ref 21] . 2. The ports in Table: Versal GT TX IP Interface Ports are connected between the CPRI core and the Versal ACAP Transceiver using Block Automation, see Block Automation (Versal ACAP Only) for details. |
Table: Versal GT RX IP Interface Ports shows the Versal GT RX Interface ports.
Port |
Direction |
Clock Domain |
Description |
ch_rxctrl0[15:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX char is K from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxctrl1[15:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX disparity error from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxctrl2[7:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX char is comma from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxctrl3[7:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX not in table error from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxdata[127:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX data from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxdatavalid[1:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX data valid from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxgearboxslip |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX Gearbox Slip to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxheader[5:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX Header from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxheadervalid[1:0] |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX Header Valid from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxlatclk |
Out |
N/A |
RX asynchronous gearbox latency clock to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Driven by hires_clk if R21 timers option is selected in CPRI GUI. |
ch_rxlpmen |
Out |
Async |
RX LPM mode enable to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxmstdatapathreset |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX master data path reset sequence start to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxmstreset |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX master reset sequence start to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxmstresetdone |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX master reset sequence done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxphdlypd |
Out |
Async |
Rx phase and delay alignment circuit power down to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxphdlyreset |
Out |
Async |
RX phase alignment reset to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxphdlyresetdone |
In |
Async |
RX phase alignment reset done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxpmaresetdone |
In |
Async |
RX PMA reset done from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxpolarity |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX polarity control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_rxprbscntreset |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX PRBS error count reset to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxprbssel[3:0] |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX PRBS generator test pattern control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. Currently not used. |
ch_rxrate[7:0] |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX line rate control to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxresetdone |
In |
Recovered Clock |
RX reset complete from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxsyncallin |
Out |
Async |
RX phase alignment sync in to the Versal ACAP transceiver. For multi-lane auto mode, currently not used. |
ch_rxsyncdone |
In |
Async |
RX phase alignment complete from the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
ch_rxuserrdy |
Out |
Recovered Clock |
RX user clocks stable to the Versal ACAP transceiver. |
Notes: 1. CPRI only uses the above subset of the available signals on the Versal ACAP Transceiver Rx_GT_IP_Interface. For further details the Versal ACAP Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG331) [Ref 21] . 2. The ports in Table: Versal GT RX IP Interface Ports are connected between the CPRI core and the Versal ACAP Transceiver using Block Automation, see Block Automation (Versal ACAP Only) for details. |