TXUSRCLK and RXUSRCLK Sharing Using Both TX and RX Buffer Bypass in Multi-Lane Auto Mode with RX Master - AM002

Versal Adaptive SoC GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002)

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1.3 English

In multi-lane common clock buffer bypass with RX master, an RX lane must be designated as an initial master lane, and another as a maintenance master lane. All remaining RX lanes and all TX lanes must be designated as slave lanes.

Use these transceiver settings to bypass the TX and RX buffer in single-lane mode with a common clock, RX master.

Common clock settings:


TX buffer bypass settings:

  • CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG0[31] = 1'b1 (DLY_ALIGN_EN)
  • CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG0[30] = 1'b1 (PH_ALIGN_EN)
  • CH*_PIPE_CTRL_CFG7[2:0] = 3'b011 or 3'b101 (TXOUTCLKCTL) to select either the transceiver reference clock or the programmable divider clock as the source of TXOUTCLK.

RX buffer bypass settings:

  • CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG0[31] = 1'b1 (DLY_ALIGN_EN)
  • CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG0[30] = 1'b1 (PH_ALIGN_EN)
  • CH*_PIPE_CTRL_CFG7[14:12] = 3'b110 to select TXOUTCLK as the source of RXOUTCLK

The following figure shows an example of a single-lane common clock buffer bypass with a TX master.

Figure 1. Common Clock Buffer Bypass Lanes in Multi-Lane RX Master Mode

The following figure shows the port connection for a multi-lane common clock buffer bypass with a TX master.

Figure 2. Port Connection for Common Clock Buffer Bypass Lanes in Multi-Lane RX Master Mode

Multi-lane buffer bypass must only be used on lanes that have physical locations that are directly adjacent to one another. CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG1[2:1] (CHAIN_MODE) and CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG1[3:2] (CHAIN_MODE) must be set according to the physical location of the multi-lane group:

  • Top location: CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG1[2:1]/CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG1[3:2] (CHAIN_MODE) = 2'b01
  • Middle location(s): CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG1[2:1]/CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG1[3:2] (CHAIN_MODE) = 2'b11
  • Bottom location: CH*_TX_PHALIGN_CFG1[2:1]/CH*_RX_PHALIGN_CFG1[3:2] (CHAIN_MODE) = 2'b10

The following figure shows the required steps to perform common clock phase and delay alignment in multi-lane TX master mode.

Figure 3. Common Clock Buffer Bypass - Multi-Lane with RX Master

Notes relevant to the figure:

  1. The sequence of events in the figure is not drawn to scale.
  2. CH[IM]_* denotes ports related to the initial master lane.
  3. CH[MM]_* denotes ports related to the maintenance master lane.
  4. CH[S]_* denotes ports related to the slave lane(s).
  5. After conditions such as a reset or rate change, common clock phase alignment must be performed. The common clock phase and delay alignments are initiated by asserting CH*_TXPHDLYRESET and CH*_RXPHDLYRESET.
  6. Common clock phase alignment with a TX master is done when the rising edge of CH*_TXSYNCDONE on the initial master lane is detected. This signal should remain asserted until another alignment procedure is initiated.
  7. An assertion/deassertion of GTTXRESET and GTRXRESET is required if CH*_TXSYNCDONE does not follow the sequence shown in the figure.
  8. TX delay alignment continues to adjust TXUSRCLK to compensate for temperature and voltage variations.