The RX reset sequence shown in the following figure is not automatically started to follow the global GSR.
These conditions must be met:
- RXRESETMODE must be set to use the sequential mode.
- All RXPMARESETMASK and RXPCSRESETMASK bits should be set to High.
- Set the appropriate MST_RESET_CFG attribute bits based on PLL selection, PROGDIV selection, and channel usage.
- MSTRXRESET is to be used.
- Ensure LC/RPLLRESET, ILORESET, RXPROGDIVRESET, PCSRSVDIN[10] (RXDAPIRESET), and GTRXRESET are held Low during the master reset process.
- Ensure that GTPOWERGOOD is High before releasing MSTRXRESET.
If the reset mode is defaulted to single mode, then you must:
- Change reset mode to Sequential mode.
- All RXPMARESETMASK and RXPCSRESETMASK bits should be changed to High.
- Wait another 300–500 ns.
Figure 1. Receiver Initialization after Configuration Using Master
Reset Controller