Using the CRC Checker - AM002

Versal Adaptive SoC GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

When the CRC checker is used, it needs to be enabled, and the 64B/66B encoder and 64B/66B decoder should be bypassed.

  • CRC_EN should be set to 1'b1.
  • DATAPATH_CTRL can only be set to 3'b100 if the TX scrambler/RX descrambler is enabled, or 3'b111 if TX scrambler/RX descrambler is bypassed.

Another requirement is that depending on whether or not the RX 64B/66B descrambler is bypassed, the RX CRC checker must be set to the correct input endian format. The following must be set:

  • When the RX 64B/66B descrambler is bypassed, INPUT_BYTE_ORDER must be set to 1'b0.
  • When the RX 64B/66B descrambler is not bypassed, INPUT_BYTE_ORDER must be set to 1'b1.