Switching Between LPM and DFE Modes at Run Time

Versal Adaptive SoC GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002)

Document ID
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1.3 English

Multi-rate applications might require you to switch between LPM and DFE modes. To ensure all attributes are correctly configured when switching LPM and DFE modes, AMD recommends generating wrappers from the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceivers Wizard (Wizard) that allows the designer to preconfigure a set of line rates and equalization modes at which the device is intended to operate. Use CH*_RXRATE port to switch between configurations. See Rate Change for more details.

When an equalization configuration change is performed using the CH*_RXRATE port, the required reset sequence and necessary attribute update is performed automatically. The user should wait for the assertion of CH*_RXRESETDONE as an indicator that the necessary reset sequence has completed.