TX Buffer Bypass Use Modes - AM002

Versal Adaptive SoC GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002)

Document ID
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1.3 English

TX phase alignment can be performed on one channel (single lane) or a group of channels sharing a single TXOUTCLK (multi-lane). See the following table for use modes.

Table 1. TX Buffer Bypass Use Modes
TX Buffer Bypass TX Buffer Bypass Modes
Single-Lane Auto
Multi-Lane Auto

When the TX asynchronous gearbox is used, the exact use mode depends on the TX fabric interface data width and TX internal data width configuration. See the following table for buffer bypass with asynchronous gearbox applied to both single-lane and multi-lane use modes.

Table 2. TX Buffer Bypass Use Modes with Asynchronous Gearbox
TX Buffer Bypass with Asynchronous Gearbox Use Modes TX Data Width Configuration Note
1:1 Mode Fabric Data Width = Internal Data Width Phase alignment procedure not required.
2:1 Mode Fabric Data Width = 2 x Internal Data Width Phase alignment procedure required.