QDMA PF Address Register Space - 2.0 English - PG344

Versal Adaptive SoC DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG344)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English

All the physical function (PF) registers are listed in the qdma_v5_0_pf_registers.csv available in the Register Reference File.

Tip: When you generate the IP in default mode, not all registers are exposed. For example, debug registers will be missing. Refer to the qdma_v5_0_pf_registers.csv file to identify the debug registers. To expose all registers, use the following tcl command during IP generation:

set_property CONFIG.debug_mode {DEBUG_REG_ONLY} [get_ips qdma_0]

Table 1. QDMA PF Address Register Space
Register Name Base (Hex) Byte Size (Dec) Register List and Details
QDMA_CSR 0x0000 9216 QDMA Configuration Space Register (CSR) found in qdma_v5_0_pf_registers.csv.
QDMA_TRQ_SEL_QUEUE_PF 0x18000 32768 Also found in QDMA_TRQ_SEL_QUEUE_PF (0x18000).
QDMA_PF_MAILBOX 0x22400 16384 Also found in QDMA_PF_MAILBOX (0x22400).
QDMA_TRQ_MSIX 0x30000 32768 Also found in QDMA_TRQ_MSIX (0x30000).
QDMA_TRQ_MSIX_PBA 0x34000 256 QDMA_TRQ_MSIX_PBA (0x34000)