AXI4-Stream C2H Ports - 2.0 English - PG344

Versal Adaptive SoC DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG344)

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Release Date
2.0 English
Table 1. AXI4-Stream C2H Port Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description


I Supported data widths 128 bits, 256 bits, and 512 bits. Every C2H data packet has a corresponding C2H completion packet.



32 bit CRC value for that beat.

IEEE 802.3 CRC-32 Polynomial

IP samples CRC value only when s_axis_c2h_tlast is asserted.

s_axis_c2h_ctrl_len [15:0] I Length of the packet. For ZERO byte write, the length is 0.

C2H stream packet data length is limited to 31 * c2h buffer size.

In older versions (such as 2018.3), C2H stream packet data length was limited to 7 * C2H buffer size.

ctrl_len is in bytes and should be valid in first beat of the packet.

s_axis_c2h_ctrl_qid [10:0] I Queue ID.
s_axis_c2h_ctrl_has_cmpt I 1'b1: The data packet has a completion.

1'b0: The data packet doesn't have a completion.

s_axis_c2h_ctrl_marker I Marker message used for making sure pipeline is completely flushed. After that, you can safely do queue invalidation.
s_axis_c2h_ctrl_port_id [2:0] I Port ID.
s_axis_c2h_ctrl_ecc[6:0] I Sideband protection for C2H control signals. Output of the AMD Error Correction Code (ECC) core. ECC IP input is described below.
s_axis_c2h_mty [5:0] I Empty byte should be set in last beat.
s_axis_c2h_tvalid I Valid.
s_axis_c2h_tlast I Indicate last packet.
s_axis_c2h_tready O Ready.

To generate ECC signals for C2H control bus s_axis_c2h_ctrl_ecc[6:0], use AMD error correction code (ECC) IP. Input signals to ECC IP are listed below and you have to maintain the order that is listed below.

Input to ECC IP Using ecc_data_in[56:0]

assign ecc_data_in[56:0] = { 24'h0, //reserved
                    s_axis_c2h_ctrl_has_cmpt, //has compt
                    s_axis_c2h_ctrl_marker, //marker
                    s_axis_c2h_ctrl_port_id, //port_id
                    1'b0, // reserved should be set to 0.
                    s_axis_c2h_ctrl_qid, // Qid 
                    s_axis_c2h_ctrl_len}; //length